Eazaz Mohammed
Managing Director
Communication through words is a pleasure yet I take this pleasant opportunity to say about Omex Company Ltd., a Manpower Recruiting Agency that recruit Skilled Manpower from one country to another around the world. Aptly replete with men and material, network and infrastructure Omex Company Ltd. mobilizes personnel from Bangladesh as well as from South East Asia countries and other suitable sources to cater to the requirements of Middle Eastern and other esteemed employers.
Beside manpower business, Omex Company Ltd. carries on contractual jobs, general trading and supply, export-import and indenting to the clientele satisfaction, and cares for benefit to all concerned in the deals.
A concern with objective to reach the valued clients such benefits as maximum pay-off return, Omex Company Ltd. takes more care in dealing Manpower. Its set of experienced professionals and qualified technicians select right personnel for specified job, medical board consisting of physicians and psychiatrists confirm their overall fitness, and competent staff ensure their disciplined on-time placement.
Omex Company Ltd. serves with a degree of efficiency that saves time, money and energy of the honourable incumbent. A favoured scanning of the following pages would intimate more of the concern’s conviction to better, broad-spectrum service.